Blog Post #3

Annie Slotnick
2 min readNov 28, 2020

Dear Annie,

Social Media, what a cluster F***. You were pretty late to the social media game, in fact, remember when you first got Instagram, you had your tiny little iPhone 4 that looked like a glass box. Wow, a lot will change from there. As you get older your life will have a few bumps and scrapes but overall you will make it through. Social media for you will act as a source of entertainment as well as a resource. Your love for food is what mainly drives your social media use. You will love to look up recipes and watch those incredibly stupid tasty food videos, trust me you will waste way too much time on those. You will also use social media to stay in touch with your friends who you don't get to see that often. I think as you get older you will realize how little of a role social media plays in your life. You’re pretty good at shrugging things off and don't go on social media too much. One day you will be curious enough and make a youtube channel, what a flop, and embarrassment that will be. The main thing is that you will enjoy doing it for however long you choose to. Social Media will remain minor in your life, but it will serve some negativity. Don't get caught up in other people's highlight reels, your life has just as much value as anyone else's. It’s so easy to get caught up in social media and all the newest trends. Once you are older and you realize the actual impact of social media and what it holds you will only then understand how much of it really matters. In the future, I am not sure as to how social media will affect you but I do know that it will help you keep in touch and remain open to staying in touch will old friends and meeting new ones. I guess the main thing to remember a time goes on and social media advances is that social media isn't everything. Real life is waiting for you and if you just put your phone down so much can happen.

